In F.C Courier, we know that shipments from our customers must arrive in perfect condition, and for this, a good packaging is necessary. For all those, from small businesses to large companies that do not want to worry about packaging, we offer all kinds of solutions to optimize resources and make that your shipment arrive in the best way, faster and with the image you want.
We personalize all the boxes and the seal with your corporate identity. We serve it at home or we can store it.
Cardboard boxes
Paper and bubble wrap
Adhesive tapes
Filling and protection
Film and pallets
Any product can be customized with your brand and logo.
Simple corrugated cardboard
Composed of three papers, two papers for the faces and one paper in the middle. The wave can be type B (3mm) or C (4mm). Packaging specially indicated for products of light weight with a medium and small volume.
Double corrugated cardboard
Composed of 5 papers; 2 in the faces, 2 corrugated and a separator between them in the inner part. The ripple of the double channel is the combination of the B and C waves. Packaging especially indicated for products of medium and large weight.
It ensures a good performance in terms of resistance as well as stacking for loads.